Bird sex determination by DNA
For more than 10 years we have been experts in bird sexing on the basis of blood, feather or eggshell samples. In our state-of-the-art laboratory specialised in Molecular Biology we have already tested more than 1000 bird species up till now and we are still expanding our expertise. Please check our avian species list to see whether we have tested your specific bird’s species before
In order to define your bird’s sex, you can choose to send us either:- Blood samples
- Feather samples
- Eggshell samples
You will receive the test results within 2-3 working days from receipt of the bird DNA together with a free bird identity card for each bird that you sex with us!
If you are not sure how to collect your samples, please take a look at our how to collect page. If you aren’t sure how you should order your bird sexing test, you can take a look at our how to order page.
Why should you choose STAB VIDA?- ISO 9001 certified
- Results available within 2-3 working days
- Quality assured, results are always double checked
- Free electronic certificate, downloadable and printable
- Certificate on special paper with white stamp also available
- Creating your personal area on our website allows you to follow the status of all your samples
- Free bird identity card
- Personal service, online chat available
- No surgical intervention such as anaesthetics required
- Applicable to birds of any age, any time of the year
- The birds are not subjected to the stress of transport
- Reliable method applicable to most species
In STAB VIDA's laboratory, experts are working every day on Bird Sexing. Bird Sexing is a service which requires conscientious precision, responsibility and a solid scientific basis. Our experts with more than 10 years’ experience working with animal DNA work in our state-of-the-art laboratory specialised in Molecular Biology.
The method of sex identification of birds via DNA is based on the different compositions of birds' sex chromosomes between male and female. The male has two equal sex chromosomes: the Z chromosome. On the other hand the female has two different ones: the Z and the W Chromosomes. The Z and the W chromosomes have different sizes allowing to observe different bindings between the two sexes. Therefore the distinction between male and female becomes effective: the male possess a single band (corresponding to two Z chromosomes), while the females have two bands (corresponding to the Z and W chromosomes).
The extensive database of DNA, present in STAB VIDA, always allows each result to be compared with birds of the same species and known sex.
Bird species list
Our list of bird species keeps on growing! Below you will find the list of avian species that we have tested so far. If you click on a bird species in the list, you will find a picture of the species along with some extra facts.
Is your bird species not on our list?
Step 1. Send us a master sample of a bird of the same species, preferably from a female bird
Step 2. Step 2. Send us the samples of the birds that you want to sex
There are no extra costs involved besides the sexing of your bird!
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require extra help!
Scientific name |
Aburria cumanensis |
Accipiter nisus |
Accipter gentilis |
Acridotheres cristatellus |
Acridotheres Fuscus |
Acridotheres ginginianus |
Acridotheres tristis |
Acryllium vulturinum |
Aegypius monachus |
Agapornis |
Agapornis fischeri |
Agapornis lilianae |
Agapornis nigrigenis |
Agapornis personatus |
Agapornis roseicollis |
Agapornis taranta |
Alauda arvensis |
Alectoris chukar |
Alectoris graeca |
Alisterus amboinensis |
Alisterus scapularis |
Amazona aestiva |
Amazona aestiva aestiva |
Amazona aestiva xanthopteryx |
Amazona albifrons |
Amazona amazonica |
Amazona auropalliata |
Amazona autumnalis |
Amazona autumnalis lilacina |
Amazona autumnalis mexicana |
Amazona barbadensis |
Amazona brasiliensis |
Amazona cubano |
Amazona dufresniana |
Amazona farinosa |
Amazona farinosa guatemalae |
Amazona festiva |
Amazona festiva bodini |
Amazona finschi |
Amazona leucocephala |
Amazona muller |
Amazona ochrocephala |
Amazona ochrocephala panamensis |
Amazona oratrix |
Amazona oratrix tresmariae |
Amazona parvipes |
Amazona pretrei |
Amazona rhodocorytha |
Amazona tresmariae |
Amazona tucumana |
Amazona ventralis |
Amazona vinacea |
Amazona viridigenalis |
Amazona xanthops |
Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus |
Anthropoides virgo |
Aplopelia larvata |
Aprosmictus erythropterus |
Ara ararauna |
Ara ararouca |
Ara auricollis |
Ara chloroptera |
Ara couloni |
Ara glaucogularis |
Ara hyacinthinus |
Ara macao |
Ara maracana |
Ara militaris |
Ara nobilis |
Ara rubrugena |
Ara severus |
Aramides ypecaha |
Arara Jacinta |
Arara-catalina |
Aratinga acuticaudata |
Aratinga aurea |
Aratinga auricapilla |
Aratinga auropalliata |
Aratinga canicularis |
Aratinga erythrogenys |
Aratinga finschi |
Aratinga jandaya |
Aratinga leucophthalma |
Aratinga mitrata |
Aratinga nanday |
Aratinga pertinax |
Aratinga rubritorquis |
Aratinga solstitialis |
Aratinga wagleri |
Aratinga weddellii |
Arborophila gingica |
Ardeola speciosa |
Argusianus argus |
Astrild cyanocephale |
Athene noctua |
Balearica pavonina |
Balearica regulorum |
Barnardius barnardi |
Barnardius zonarius |
Barnardius zonarius semitorquatus |
Boissonneaua jardini |
Bolborhynchus lineola |
Bombycilla cedrorum |
Bostrychia hagedash |
Branta leucopsis |
Brotogeris sanctithomae |
Brotogeris tirica |
Brotogeris versicolurus |
Bucorvus leadbeateri |
Burhinus oedicnemus |
Cacatua alba |
Cacatua ducorpsii |
Cacatua galah |
Cacatua galerita |
Cacatua galerita eleonora |
Cacatua goffini |
Cacatua leadbeateri |
Cacatua Moluccensis |
Cacatua sanguinea |
Cacatua sulphurea |
Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata |
Cacatua sulphurea parvula |
Cacatua tenuirostris |
Caloenas nicobarica |
Caloenas nicobarica |
Calyptorhynchus banksii |
Carduelis atrata |
Carduelis carduelis |
Carduelis chloris |
Carduelis cucullatus |
Carduelis flammea |
Carduelis flavirostris |
Carduelis hornemanni |
Carduelis magellanica |
Carduelis major |
Carduelis spinus |
Carduelis tristis |
Cariama cristata |
Caropsis migra |
Carpodacus mexicanus |
Catreus wallichii |
Chaetura meridionalis |
Chaetura meridionalis |
Chalcophaps chrysochlora |
Chalcophaps indica |
Chalcopsitta atra |
Chalcopsitta cardinalis |
chalcopsitta duivenbodei |
Chalcopsitta scintillata |
Chalcopsitta scintillata rubrifons |
Charadrius hiaticula |
Charmosyna papou goliathina |
Chauna torquata |
Chloris chloris |
Ciconia nigra |
Cinnyricinclus leucogaster |
Cochlearius cochlearius |
Colius striatus |
Columba arquatrix |
Columba corensis |
Columba guinea |
Columba larvata |
Columba larvata |
Columba livia |
Columba maculosa |
Columba maculosa albipennis |
Columba minuta |
Columba oenas |
Columba oenops |
Columba palumbus |
Columba picazuro |
Columba picturata |
Columbina cruziana |
Columbina squammata |
Columbina talpacoti |
Conur mandayus menday |
Coracias cyanogaster |
Coracias garrulus |
Coracias naevieus |
Coracopsis nigra |
Coracopsis vasa |
Coracya cyanogaster |
Coragyps atratus |
Corvus albus |
Corvus corax |
Coscoroba coscoroba |
Cosmopsarus regius |
Cossypha niveicapilla |
Creatophora cinerea |
Crossoptilon auritum |
Crossoptilon crossoptilon |
Crossoptilon mantchuricum |
Cyanocompsa brissonii |
Cyanocompsa brissonni |
Cyanoliseus patagonus |
Cyanopica cyanus |
Cyanoramphus novaezeleandiae |
Cygnus atratus |
Cygnus melanocoryphus |
Cygnus olor |
Dacelo novaeguineae |
Dendrocopos major |
Dendrocygna arborea |
Deroptyus accipitrinus |
Dinemellia dinemelli |
Diopsittaca nobilis |
Diuca diuca |
Dromaius novaehollandiae |
Ducula pistrinaria |
Ducula rosacea |
Ducula spilorrhoa |
Duteo buteo |
Egretta novaehollandiae |
Elanus caeruleus |
Emblema guttata |
Eolophus roseicapillus |
Eos bornea |
Eos reticulata |
Eos squamata obiensis |
Erithacus rubecula |
Erythrura cyaneovirens |
Erythrura gouldiae |
Erythrura Psittacea |
Erythrura trichroa |
Estrilda caerulescens |
Estrilda melpoda |
Estrilda rhodopyga |
Estrilda troglodytes |
Eudocimus albus |
Eudocimus ruber |
Eudromia elegans |
Falco femoralis |
Falco peregrinus |
Falco rusticolus |
Falco vespertinus |
Forpus coelestis |
Forpus xanthopterygius |
Galinholas |
Gallicolumba criniger |
Gallicolumba luzonica |
Gallicolumba rufigula |
Gallicolumba tristigmata |
Garrulax canorus |
Garrulus glandarius |
Geopelia cuneata |
Geopelia humeralis |
Geopelia maugei |
Geopelia placida |
Geopelia striata |
Geophaps lophotes |
Geotrygon versicolor |
Geotrygon versicolor |
Geronticus calvus |
Geronticus eremita |
Gibber italicus |
Goura cristata |
Goura victoria |
Goura victoria |
Gracula religiosa |
Gracula religiosa |
Grus vipio |
Guarouba guarouba |
Guttera pucherania pucherania |
Gymnorhina tibicen |
Gyps fulvus |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
Hieraaetus pennatus |
Himantopus himantopus |
Himantopus mexicanus |
Ixobrychus minutus |
Lamprotornis caudatus |
Lamprotornis chalybaeus |
Lamprotornis chloropterus |
Lamprotornis iris |
Lamprotornis purpureus |
Lamprotornis regius |
Lamprotornis splendidus |
Lamprotornis superbus |
Lathamus discolor |
Leiothrix lutea |
Leptotila rufaxilla |
Leptotila verreauxi |
Leucopsar rothschildi |
Leucosarcia melanoleuca |
Lonchura atricapilla |
Lonchura bicolor |
Lonchura castaneothorax |
Lonchura cucullata |
Lonchura griseicapilla |
Lonchura maja |
Lonchura malabarica |
Lonchura malabarica |
Lonchura malacca |
Lonchura molluca |
Lonchura nevermani |
Lonchura striata domestica |
Lophocroa leadbeateri |
Lophophorus impeyanus |
Lophospingos pusillus |
Loris Arco-Iris |
Loris fuscata |
Loris mitchell |
Loris molucanos |
Loris reticulata |
Lorius chlorocercus |
Lorius garrulus |
Lorius hypoinochrous |
Lorius lory |
Lybius dubius |
Melopsittacus undulatus |
Merops apiaster |
Metriopelia ceciliae |
Mino dumontii |
Monticola saxatilis |
Musophaga rossae |
Musophaga violacea |
Mycteria ibis |
Myiopsitta monachus |
Nandayus nenday |
Neochmia ruficauda |
Neochmia temporalis |
Neophema bourkii |
Neophema chrysostoma |
Neophema elegans |
Neophema pulchella |
Neophema splendida |
Neophema tourquoisine |
Neopsephotus bourkii |
Nitycorax nitycorax |
Northiella haematogaster |
Numida meleagris |
Nymphicus hollandicus |
Ocyphaps lophotes |
Oena capensis |
Onychognathus morio |
Oratrix magna |
Oreortyx pictus |
Oriolus oriolus |
Orthopsittaca manilatus |
Oryzoborus crassirostris |
Otus scops |
Padda fuscata |
Padda oryzivora |
Parabuteo unicinctus |
Paroaria capitata |
Paroaria coronata |
Paroaria dominicana |
Parus caeruleus |
Passerina ciris |
Passerina cyanea |
Pauxi pauxi |
Pavo cristatus |
Phapitreron leucotis nigrorum |
Phaps chalcoptera |
Pica pica |
Piezorinha cinerea |
Pinicola Enucleator |
Pionites leucogaster |
Pionites leucogaster xanthomerius |
Pionites melanocephala |
Pionopsitta pileata |
Pionus chalcopterus |
Pionus fuscus |
Pionus maximiliani |
Pionus menstruus |
Pionus senilis |
Pipile cumanensis |
Platycercus adelaideae |
Platycercus adscitus |
Platycercus caledonicus |
Platycercus elegans |
Platycercus eximius |
Platycercus flaveolus |
Platycercus icterotis |
Platycercus pallicep |
Platycercus venustus |
Plegadis falcinellus |
Podargus strigoides |
Poephila acuticauda |
Poephila bichenovili. |
Poephila cincta |
Poephila personata |
Poicephalus cryptoxanthus |
Poicephalus gulielmi |
Poicephalus jardine |
Poicephalus meyeri |
Poicephalus Robustus |
Poicephalus rueppellii |
Poicephalus Rufiventris |
Poicephalus senegalus |
Polyplectron bicalcaratum |
Polyplectron chalcurum |
Polyplectron germaini |
Polyplectron inopinatum |
Polyplectron napoleonis |
Polytelis alexandrae |
Polytelis anthopeplus |
Polytelis swainsonii |
Porphyrio porphyrio |
Primolius couloni |
Primolius Maracana |
Propyrrhuna couloni |
Propyrrhura auricollis |
Psephotus chrysopterygius chrysopterygius |
Psephotus dissimilis |
Psephotus haematogaster |
Psephotus haematonotus |
Pseudeos fuscata |
Psilopsiagon Aymara |
Psittacara holochlorus |
Psittacula alexandri |
Psittacula cyanocephala |
Psittacula derbiana |
Psittacula eupatria |
Psittacula himalayana |
Psittacula krameri |
Psittacula roseata |
Psittacus erithacus |
Psittacus erithacus erithacus |
Psittacus erithacus princeps |
Psittacus erithacus timneh |
Psitteuteles goldie |
Psitteuteles iris |
Pternistis erckelii |
Pteronetta hartlaubii |
Ptilopachus petrosus |
Ptilopsis leucotis |
Puffinus pacificus |
Pulsatrix perspicillata |
Purpureicephalus spurius |
Pycnonotus cafer |
Pycnonotus jocosus |
Pycnonotus leucogenys |
Pycnonotus leucotis |
Pyrrhula pyrrhula |
Pyrrhura aurea |
Pyrrhura cruentata |
Pyrrhura egregia |
Pyrrhura egregia |
Pyrrhura emma |
Pyrrhura frontalis |
Pyrrhura griseipectus |
Pyrrhura hypoxantha |
Pyrrhura lepida |
Pyrrhura leucotis |
Pyrrhura melanura |
Pyrrhura molinae |
Pyrrhura molinae cinnamon |
Pyrrhura molinae hypoxantha |
Pyrrhura molinae pineapple |
Pyrrhura perlata |
Pyrrhura picta |
Pyrrhura picta |
Pyrrhura rhodocephala |
Pyrrhura rhodogaster |
Pyrrhura roseifrons |
Pyrrhura rupicola |
Pyrruhura leucogaster |
Ramphastos sulfuratos |
Ramphastos toco albogularis |
Rosela platycercus eximius |
Sarcops calvus |
Senegal |
Serinus atrogularis |
Serinus atrogularis |
Serinus atrogularis somereni |
Serinus canaria |
Serinus dorsostriatus |
Serinus hypostictus |
Serinus leucopygius |
Serinus mozambicus |
Serinus reichenows |
Serinus striolatus |
Serinus sulphuratus |
Sicalis flaveola |
Sittasomus griseicapillus |
Spreo superbus |
Stagonopleura guttata (or Emblema guttata) |
Streptopelia capicola |
Streptopelia chinensis |
Streptopelia decaocto |
Streptopelia decipiens |
Streptopelia lugens |
Streptopelia picturata |
Streptopelia roseogrisea |
Streptopelia semitorquata |
Streptopelia senegalensis |
Streptopelia turtur |
Strix leptogrammica |
Strix nebulosa |
Struthio camelus |
Sturnus pagodarum |
Sturnus sinensis |
Sturnus unicolor |
Sturnus vulgaris |
Taeniopygia guttata |
Tangara cyanicollis |
Tauraco erythrolophus |
Tauraco fischeri |
Tauraco hartlaubi |
Tauraco leucolophus |
Tauraco leucotis |
Tauraco livingstonii |
Tauraco persa buffoni |
Tauraco Persa Persa |
Tauraco porphyreolophus |
Tauraco schalowi |
Thalassornis leuconotus |
Theristicus caudatus |
Theristicus melanopis |
Threskiornis spinicollis |
Tockus erythrorrinchus |
Tockus flavirostris |
Tordo dissimilis |
Trachyphonus darnaudii |
Tragopan caboti |
Treron calva |
Treron wallia |
Trichoglossus capistratus |
Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus |
Trichoglossus euteles |
Trichoglossus haematodus |
Trichoglossus haematodus haematodus |
Trichoglossus haematodus caeruleiceps |
Trichoglossus haematodus capistratus |
Trichoglossus haematodus micropteryx |
Trichoglossus haematodus mitchellii |
Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus |
Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus |
Trichoglossus haematodus ornatus |
Trichoglossus haematodus rubritorqui |
Trichoglossus iris |
Trichoglossus ornatus |
Trichoglossus rubritorquis |
Turdus iliacus |
Turdus merula |
Turdus philomelos |
Turdus viscivorus |
Turtur abyssinicus |
Turtur afer |
Turtur brehmeri infelix |
Turtur chalcospilos |
Tyto alba |
Upupa epops |
Uraenghitus angolensis |
Urocissa erythrorhyncha |
Vanellus armatus |
Vanellus chilensis |
Vanellus coronatus |
Vanellus miles |
Vanellus miles |
Vanellus vanellus |
Vini australis |
Zenaida asiatica |
Zenaida auriculata |
Zenaida aurita |
Zenaida graysoni |
How to collect
Feather | Blood | Eggshell |
- Order a free collection kit or download & print our ‘Print it Yourself’ kit
- Wash your hands with alcohol before collecting the sample to avoid contamination. - When you collect samples from multiple birds, wash your hands with alcohol in between taking samples from different birds - Do not touch the feathers after they have been collected - Pluck 4-5 feathers with an average size and in the initial growth phase, i.e. when the feather begins to emerge from the calamus (fig.4). Please avoid direct contact between hands and the calamus region. - After collecting the feathers should be placed within a sterile bag (fig.2). If the bird doesn't have feathers at this stage of growth, you can pluck a few feathers and wait until the new feathers grow up to the desired stage. - The bird DNA samples should be sent to STAB VIDA within a maximum of 5 days after collection. - You can store the samples in a cool and dry place in the meanwhile. |
- Order a free collection kit or use blood collection papers (ex. filter papers)
- Wash your hands before collecting the sample to avoid contamination - When you collect samples from multiple birds, wash your hands with alcohol in between taking samples from different birds - Do not touch the blood after it has been collected - Cut the tip of the nail of the bird (fig.3) - Extract a few drops of blood (3-5) - You can also collect approximately 0.1 ml of blood from each bird with the help of a sterile syringe (use a syringe for each bird). Tube: - Collect it in the tube with alcohol (fig.1) provided in the Kit. Paper: - When you user filter paper, please put all the blood in the same spot in the centre of the paper. - The bird DNA samples should be sent to STAB VIDA within a maximum of 5 days after collection. |
Order a free collection kit
- Wash your hands before collecting the sample to avoid contamination - Do not touch the eggshells after they have been collected - Collect the entire eggshell of the bird (fig.5) whose sex is to be determined, within the first 24 hours after hatching. - Put the eggshell in the tube with alcohol (fig.1) provided in the Kit. - The bird DNA samples should be sent to STAB VIDA within a maximum of 5 days after collection. Please note: if the eggs hatch at the same time and if you are testing multiple birds, please avoid mixing the eggshells. |
Every sample should have the identification number of the bird, or a personal identification if the bird is not registered. Furthermore the data related to your birds should be included in the request for analysis as well as the test kits.
The samples do not need to be refrigerated, but stored in a cool and dry place; however after collecting they must be sent as soon as possible. Please note that the parcel must include the request for analysis.
STAB VIDA is not responsible for any consequences that the test results can cause. Collecting and sending the samples is the responsibility of each client.